

NEW ADDRESS: An der alten Weberei 2, 79206 Breisach

2B FermControl GmbH offers solutions for the fermentation and production of high-quality wines. Furthermore our company offers technical support for the application of the products.

2B FermControl GmbH
Managing Director: Rosa Hong
An der alten Weberei 2 • 79206 Breisach am Rhein
AG Freiburg i. Br. HRB 702029
© Copyright 2B FermControl GmbH.
Office Hours
Mo-Th: 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Fr: 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 a.m.

+49 7667 96690 50
+49 7667 96690 51

+49 7667 96690 66

The 2B Team

Jörg Wiedemann
Certified Viticulture Technician
Authorised Signatory

Phone: +49 7667 96690-59
Mobile:   +49 172 5767226

Mail: jw@2bfermcontrol.com

Johannes Lai
Application Manager

Phone:     +49 7667 96690-53
Mobile:       +49 160 90625728

Mail: jlai@2bfermcontrol.com

Tom Woytek
Product Manager

Phone: +49 7667 96690-60
Mobile: +49 162 64 59 796
Mail: tw@2bfermcontrol.com

Luis Galo
Country Manager

Mobile: +351 93 88 50 691
Mail: lg@2bfermcontrol.com

Bettina Stillich
Marketing Manager

Phone: +49 7667 96690-55
Mobile:   +49 173 7943066

Mail: best@2bfermcontrol.com

Simone Maurer, M. Sc.
Application & QS

Phone.:  +49 7667 96690-54
Mobile:     +49 172 6614009

Mail: sm@2bfermcontrol.com

Bernd Strub
Customer Service & Logistics

Phone:  +49 7667 96690-57
Mobile:     +49 172 8116188

Mail: bst@2bfermcontrol.com

Meinolf Subgang, Dipl.-Vw.
Commercial Manager

Phone: +49 7667 96690-52

Mail: ms@2bfermcontrol.com
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